Location: 36641 Fort Romie Rd, Soledad, CA 93960
Date founded: October 9, 1791
Patron saint: Our Lady of Solitude.
Founder: Fr. Fermín de Lasuén.
Native peoples: Chalon, Esselen, Yokuts and Salinan.
Features: Reconstructed chapel and convento; archaeological remains of adobe walls of quadrangle.
Current status: Roman Catholic Parish.
Historical landmark number: California Historical Landmark no. 233
Interesting facts: Mission La Soledad is the final resting place of the only Spanish governor to be buried in Alta California, José Joaquín de Arrillaga. Thirty different priests served at Soledad in a period of forty years.
Important events:
- February 1802: Respiratory epidemic kills several people at the mission.
- July 24, 1814: Governor José Joaquín Arrillaga dies and is buried at the mission.
- 1824, 1828 and 1832: Floods destroy the mission church and it is rebuilt.
- 1954: After having completely fallen down, the mission church is rebuilt by Harry Downey.
Website: www.missionsoledad.com