1713: Miguel José Serra born in Mallorca, Spain
1728: Begins university studies
1730: Admitted to the Franciscan Order, takes the name “Junípero”
1737: Ordained a priest
1749: Arrives in Mexico City
1750: Begins missionary work in the Sierra Gorda
1758: Returns to the College of San Fernando
1767: Expulsion of the Jesuits from Spanish territories
1768: Appointed to lead Franciscan group assuming responsibility for Jesuit missions in Baja California
1769: Founds first mission in Baja California: San Fernando de Velicatá (March); founds first mission in Alta California: San Diego de Alcalá (July)
1770 – 1772: Founds four more missions in Alta California
1773: Travels to Mexico City to successfully argue for removal of Pedro Fages as governor of California
1774 – 1783: Founds another four missions in Alta California
1784: Dies at Mission San Carlos Borromeo